SSDT Warning SQL72038: The object already exists in database with a different definition and will not be altered.

If you get the SQL72038 warning when you deploy your database projects, it will not break your deployments, but it can be annoying. I’d recently moved deployments to TeamCity where messages like this are flagged up by colour coding the output in the build log. I really wanted to get it resolved. In my case Read more about SSDT Warning SQL72038: The object already exists in database with a different definition and will not be altered.[…]

Automate DACPAC refresh with PowerShell

I’m working on a project where we have recently started to use SSDT more and more. One feature I make use of, is Database References [], and use DACPACs as the source of these references. To keep this simple for the distributed development team and have one version of the truth, I keep the DACPACs Read more about Automate DACPAC refresh with PowerShell[…]

SSDT error SQL71501: Procedure: contains an unresolved reference to an object

I’ve recently started to use SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) a lot more in database development. And I must say that I’m quite impressed. Having previously used database projects in VS, and fought with msbuild, SSDT is much easier. If you are starting out with SSDT, then I can’t recommend enough that you read Jamie Read more about SSDT error SQL71501: Procedure: contains an unresolved reference to an object[…]