I’ve just finished a few enjoyable days with the great people on SQLRelay. I only managed to get involved with the Newcastle and Leeds events, but it was an amazing experience. The interaction I got at the end of my Leeds session was fantastic – I’ve never had so many questions.
Some of the questions I got at the end of both sessions where very good questions indeed – I promise to post some updates here soon.
For those of you who are interested, you can download copies of my slides here:
- Newcastle : Uncovering the hidden gems in Execution plans – SQLRelay 2014 Newcastle
- Leeds: Uncovering the hidden gems in Execution plans – SQLRelay 2014 Leeds
- Demos for both: SQLRelay2014 demo
If you have any further questions, or I didn’t quite answer your questions properly, get in touch!
Finally, if you did attend SQLRelay, please find time to give feedback it helps the organisers, the sponsors and the speakers improve for next time!